Take Your INA Yoga Class Today!

Yoga for Women’s Health & Wellness – 8 classes

This yoga class was developed by our lady yoga teachers with a focus on women’s health and well being.  These yoga exercises are selected with benefits specific to women’s health. Similarly,  health  and wellness tips  will be provided in our open discussion session.

Fun Yoga for Children with a Parent or Guardian  –  6 classes

2 Age groups:

  1. 3 to 5 years old
  2. 6 to 11 years old

This Fun Yoga Class was developed for children in the above age groups. These exercises are very modified and gentle yoga for children with holding duration at  the minimum time.  This class is a wonderful and enjoyable yoga class to introduce Yoga to our young ones and early health habits.

Guided Meditation for Distressing and Mental Peace

Yoga for Students & Others – Health & Wellness – 8 Classes

This yoga class is open to all students and young people who would like to use yoga to improve their health. The yoga postures  in this class are selected  to boost fitness, vigor and vitality. General tips on health and wellness will be provided in our open discussion session.

Gentle Yoga for Seniors – Health & Wellness – 8 classes

This gentle yoga class has been  developed taking in consideration the age (50+) and possible health concerns of senior students and to promote.

These yoga  exercises  involve light stretching,  modified yoga postures and breathing techniques.

In addition, valuable  health  tips will be shared in the class.  Such health tips  can include how to prevent major diseases  affecting the  heart, brain and cancers . Others tips may  include information on how  the body  boost it’s immune system and general energy level  through the use of natural products and  supplements. Time is provided for open health discussion.